C- Celebration of the birth of Christ is again here
let us give love, share our blessings and cheer
H-Helping one another is the greatest gift
so that our life and camaraderie will uplift.
R- Receiving is not necessary but to give
Because the spirit of Christmas is to give than to receive
I- In order for us to live happily and peacefully,
Let us not forget the birth of Christ and its glory
S- So that we will receive the everlasting life
hailing and worshiping forever with strife
T-Thank you Jesus for your loving sacrifice
for we are enjoying our life that is so nice.
M- May the spirit of Christmas will live forever
to recognize your name and sing praises together
A- Angels will dance and sing hallelujah
and praise to the king, Alpha and omega
S- Stars will shine bright to light our way
to deliver us, and save us until our last day.
Merry Chistmas...
HI..Christmas had just arrived. Merry Xmas...
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